Thursday, May 27, 2010

Quote Of The Week: My Codename Is Still Dumbass

A couple of weeks ago, I awarded James Robinson and Sterling Gates "Quote Of The Week" for their amazing inept dialogue in Amazons Attack War Of The Supermen #2. You remember, "Obviously, with the codename 'Assassin,' I've killed more people than I can recall." Classic.

Still, anyone can have an off week, right? Right?

From Amazons Attack War Of The Supermen #4:

Again, please:

So this is Robinson & Gates' idea of good characterization: have this lame ass guy keep repeating his name, and keep emphasizing that it's also his job description. Again and again.

I can just imagine him in school: "Of course I failed my math test. My name is Codename: Assassin. I'm good at killing, not trigonometry!"

Wow, that dialogue really does write itself...

Special bonus points go to this quote needlessly taking up room in the issue while Superwoman is beaten off-panel, Atlas is beaten off-panel, and 99% of the Kryptonians are beaten/killed off-panel. But hey, why let the actual story you've been setting up for years get in the way of sparkling dialogue from a third-rate character, right??


  1. Let's not forget how Sterling Gates (along with Jamal Igle's artwork) has made Supergirl unreadable.

  2. You know, I had enjoyed Gates' first couple of issues of Supergirl, so I attributed the problems to the interminable crossing over with New Krypton and Metropolis Minor leaguers. After WOTS, I'm not so sure anymore...

  3. I'm more shocked that he's actually bragging about having the name "Codename: Assassin".
