Wednesday, April 21, 2010

No Squatters!!

This just in: Mark Millar invented word balloons and captions, so please stop using them, as that interferes with his new project that he swears will actually be out soon (it won't, actually--but don't worry, some studio will ask him to make a movie of it anyway, but because every Hollywood executive is so in awe of his awesome talent, they'll deny the story, the cowards).

Also, he invented the internet, and he's really cheesed at all you lesser talented persons using it, because he called dibs decades ago.

And don't get him started on Velcro...


  1. Link? I want to hear it in his own ranting words. :)

  2. Oh my God, Millar is a knob. Is he unaware that Chris Claremont and Bill Seinkewicz have already done the mutants vs. vampire stories, about 20 years earlier? And Captain Britain and MI:13 did it just a year or so ago, didn't they? Did Paul Cornell steal his idea as well?

    I expect he's mad at the Marvel bigwigs for not coordinating things better, but for a "writer" he's surprisingly poor at getting the right words out...

  3. I have to learn to stop asking for things. Millar gives me a Rita Repulsa style headache, and I couldn't care less about vampires.

  4. Jesus, what a tool. I read the WHAT IF story "What If Wolverine Was Lord Of The Vampires?" long before I even knew what a "Mark Millar" was.
