Monday, April 12, 2010

Manic Monday--Help Wanted

Sure--we all do!! Whaddya got?!?

OK...although I'd wager those jobs didn't actually involve riding planes or trains, which lessens the coolness factor a bit. What else?

Remember, the postman always rings twice..hrmmmm.

But, I really don't want to be a mailman. Anything else??

Now that's more like it!! But really, how much can these civil service jobs pay?

Not bad! (I'm serious...that's about $31,000 in 2010 dollars). Any thing I can do to get a foot in the door, as it were?

Good we saw last week, if you don't give those shiftless veterans jobs, they'll stage a coup--and Captain Midnight might not be around to stop them this time.

That's your federal government--recruiting civil service workers from the finest comic book readers out there:

Ad appeared in Bill West #9 (1951)

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