Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Night Fights--Marl(boro?) Style!!

This current bout of Friday Night Fights is Minimum Clonage--we can't re-use any fighters during these twelve rounds. So let's check the list so far:


Damn, I had a lot of Judomaster fights ready to go, too...

But today, I've got something really special: a baseball fight!! That's right, we're going to an issue of Texas Rangers In Action!!

Oh...those kind of Texas Rangers. Sigh...

Anyway, Texas Ranger Marl Kincaid...What? Oh, yes, Marl. Maybe it's short for Marlboro Man? Anyway, Marl's been tricked into thinking a slimy polecat of a crook is his long lost brother, Vince. That's what's going on in the panel above, as Marl (Marl?!? Really?) helps "Vince" get the drop on a fellow Ranger.

Marl soon finds out that he is as stupid as his name suggests:

But, "not-Vince" discovers the saddest sound a cowpoke can hear:

Yup, Marl isn't quite as stupid as he seems!!

So get ready for some rootin' tootin' fisticuffs, the cowboy way!!

Really, saved "Maw" for last?? She was in labor for 17 hours, you can't put her first??

Still, Marl did learn the important lesson that Spacebooger always teaches: when some ornery skunk claims to be your long-lost brother, check his ID (brother-ID-checking now required by law in Arizona).

The oddly named Marl Kincaid screws up but them redeems himself in Texas Rangers In Action #76 (1970), writer unknown, art by Miguel A. Repetto.

Super Fun Bonus Fact--For issues #1-4, Texas Rangers in Action was actually Scotland Yard. That musta been some transition at issue #5, Charlton...

Look, I know voting is a hassle, but it would be a bigger hassle if thieving galoots went around posing as Rangers' brothers, so do yourself (and everyone) a favor, and go vote for your favorite fight this week. Tell 'em Marl sent you.


  1. That really is some fine artwork there. Wonder why I've never heard of Repetto before?

  2. I was waiting for him to go "and this is for the US of A". That may have something to do with the Art & Story Extreme podcast sometimes starting with that clip from G.I. Joe: The Movie, though.

  3. Here's a brief bio of Repetto...most of his work was in foreign markets.
    And here's a more extensive (translated by Google from Portugese)bio with a few art samples.
