Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Cruelest Demotion Of All

Why you really don't want to screw up when you're in the Superman Revenge Squad:

Wait a minute--the Krypto Revenge Squad?!? Someone hook me up with those stories!!

Is there a Streaky Revenge Squad? Or is that where you get sent after you screw up on the Krypto Revenge Squad?

Dare we hope that there is a Beppo Revenge Squad?? One for each member of the Legion Of Super-Pets? I want these stories!!

Man, this really has to end up in some modern-day Superman story...

P.S. What is up with those headdresses, Revenge Squad Justices? And by the way, isn't it ironic that the Superman Revenge Squad has its own justice system?!? Since Superman fights for justice, and they oppose him, so, you know...

P.P.S. Is there a Bizarro Revenge Squad?!? Man, I should have been writing in the Silver Age...

Downward mobility amongst villains courtesy of Superman #165 (1963)


  1. That's a total death sentence cuz Krypto will eff u up.

  2. Bizarro Revenge Squad am just want give flowers and candy to Stupidman, because we am all hating him.
