Monday, March 22, 2010

Manic Monday--The True Meaning Of Capitalism

Dateline: 1951ish (Hey, it's not my fault--Marvel didn't identify the date or issue this reprint came from!!). Retired multi-millionaire financier Jasper J. Corpora has been trying to help the world's poor by donating money to their governments--including the government of Upper Stalinia!!

Well, obviously, that was a boo-boo, as the ambassador from Upper Stalinia has decided to "reward" Corpora:

And it's something of a magic pen, it seems:

Now, if the evil commies had the magic/technology to do something like that, you'd think they'd put it to better use then bilking retired millionaires out of their fortunes one check at a time. Like getting foreign leaders to sign bad treaties or even surrender! But no, the Upper Stalinians seem content to keep up the grand (yet petty) larceny:

Well, Marvel Boy quickly puts a stop to this nonsense--greatly helped by the fact that the Upper Stalinians hadn't gotten around to actually cashing the checks yet--d'oh!!

So the moral to our story? Don't give charity to the Commies, right?

Well, that's--hey, wait a minute!! One more time:

OK, so the moral actually is, don't give your millions to commies--give it all to Uncle Sam!! And you'd better do it if you want to prove your loyalty!! Hurray!!

Of course, that's not enough to satisfy leering Marvel Boy: all your money to the government is just ONE way to prove your loyalty. Better be careful, Jasper. Now look out, because Marvel Boy has other things to do--because multi-million dollar heists, commie plots, and multiple murders aren't important enough for his Uranian highness!!

1 comment:

  1. So he's from Uranus...& he'll be going *back* to Uranus as many times as he needs or wants to as well, it seems, huh? :P
