Monday, March 15, 2010

Manic Monday--Smallville High School Needed Better Guidance Counselors

Superboy is inadvertently whisked to the year 3446, where he tours a museum on the history of Superman (don't worry, the odd conditions of the transfer ensured that he would forget all he saw within a week). Among the exhibits:

So Superboy is amazed that he would have a job when he grew up. He was planning on being a hobo? Or a blogger, perhaps?

Superboy learns that his plans for a life of sitting on the couch while guzzling Mountain Dew and Doritos ain't gonna happen in Superboy #120 (1965).


  1. Maybe he didn't realize that his job would be working at a newspaper with reporters so smart they couldn't tell Clark was Superman despite meeting up with both on a regular basis--but seldom at the same time. (Those robots must be real convincing.)
