Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Something just occurred to me.

Marvel purchased Malibu Comics (reportedly just to get their hands on Malibu's coloring studio...go figure). There were some stumbling attempts to integrate Malibu's books with Marvel's line, but that just sort of faded away. It's been well over a decade since any of the Malibu characters have seen the light of day.

Meanwhile, Disney purchased Crossgen for a piddling $1 million dollars (reportedly just to get the rights to Abadazad). Aside from some reprint collections, it's been 5 or 6 years since Crossgen characters appeared anywhere.

So, now that Disney has acquired Marvel, the Disney/Marvel behemoth controls all the Malibu and Grossgen works...and is doing nothing with them.

Obviously, this is a vast oversimplification, as there is undoubtedly a labyrinth of corporate law, creators' rights, and Odin-only-knows how much gobbledy-gook that, at the very least, is a hindrance to seeing an Ultraforce ride at Disneyworld or a Way Of The Rat/Spider-Man issue of Marvel Team-Up. And, of course, a number of Malibu & Crossgen's book probably aren't worthy of revival.

But as Marvel puts out its 19th Wolverine and 15th Deadpool book each month, just remember--they could be giving you something different. Instead, they're hoarding all these characters and universes, just to keep giving you the same old same old.

Use 'em or lose 'em, Disney/Marvel. Use 'em or lose 'em.


  1. Amen! I wonder: Archie sold the rights for their "Red Circle" characters to DC for Impact! and they still have those characters. I wonder if Disney/Marvel would sell the rights for the Ultraverse to an outside party?

  2. Few years ago Marvel said they would love to do something with Ultraverse characters, but can't, because of some legal problems they cannot deal with.

  3. I'm no lawyer, blackduke, so I've got to confess that I've always found that a curious argument. Marvel did publish a "re-launched" Malibu line for a bit after the acquisition, and did several crossovers with Malibu, so I'm not sure why it was possible then but not now.

    Plus, Quesada hinted there was something more involved: "While this is a logistical nightmare because of the way the initial deal was structured, it's not the reason why we have chosen not to go near these characters, there is a bigger one, but I really don't feel like it’s my place to make that dirty laundry public." He almost makes it sound sinister...
