Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Night Fights--ALIEN-ATOR Style!!

OK, this one's gonna need a little bit of explanation...

Half of the Justice League (Hawkman, Superman, Flash, Batman and Green Lantern) are kidnapped to the future--the year 25,673!!! There they must rescue the human race from--THE ALIEN-ATOR!!

Who dat? The Alien-ator is "a being from a timeless world." His (its?) modus operandi? He transforms inhabitants of an era into "aliens," so he will be able to "exercise control" over them and "dominate" their world. [For the record, we never meet, or even catch a glimpse of, the Alien-ator. Who, or what, he is remains a mystery to this day...hint, hint, DC]

Well, the good guys win by battling their captors and releasing "chrono-kinetic" energy, which makes everybody human again. Hurray!! But upon returning to 1965:

Uh-oh...the Alien-ator did an end around, and has converted the rest of the JLA into aliens (the dude you can't place, because he has no costume, in Snapper Carr)!

And Hal Jordan proceeds to jinx things by being an arrogant ass:

Oh, Hal, you idiot...the Alien JLA start to mop the floor with the "human" JLA (only 2 of whom are human, but shhh...)(and J'onn already was an alien, so...stop, mustn't think, this is 60s DC):

Click on this to embiggen the Silver Age butt-whoopin':

Oh, you want specifics? Alien Aquaman has his fishy friends hunt up some sunken kryptonite, and:

Hal Jordan likes to bag about the three-ways he's been in, but I don't think he'll be telling anybody about this one:

Batman gets it from both ends:

Flash has his vibrating abilities turned against him:

So Hawkman is the last man standing flying. He tries a cute tactic, but it's sandwich time for him, too:

The "human" JLA was completely crushed by the Alien JLA. And note, the Alien JLA used teamwork to win, which is something the Silver Age JLA never ever learned to do. Gee, maybe the aliens are superior...All hail the Alien-ator!! All hail...

Damn the very next panel all the chrono-kinetic energy heals the alien JLA, and everything is back to status quo. Somehow, I suspect Spacebooger is responsible...

Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky and Bernard Sachs prove just how lame the Silver Age JLA was in Justice League Of America #33 (1965). All hail the Alien-ator!!

And all you readers...please go to the Friday Night Fights site, and vote for the winner. I won't even be upset if you don't vote for me. Remember: if you don't vote, the Alien-ator wins!!

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