Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Well, this letter, from Superboy #85 (1960), is certainly one of the odder ones I've ever seen:

Now, I don't want to be too skeptical here,or in any way make light of anybody's personal tragedy.

But the address is from a VA hospital, which would imply the gentleman is an adult. So an adult who wants his face reconstructed to look like a 15-year old? And a VA hospital that would agree to reconstruct somebody's face to look exactly like a comic book character's? And a surgeon who requires "a detailed face-portrait" of Superboy sent to him from DC to proceed?

From the response, the editor was skeptical, too. But publicly asking for a note from the guys' doctor, instead of privately responding with the same request to that address?

And of course, if such surgery were possible, Geoff Johns would have had his face reconstructed into Hal Jordan's a long time ago...

And yet...this letter is not the strangest thing in this issue. For, this is the comic in which we find out that the assassination of Abraham Lincoln was Lex Luthor's fault...


  1. If I need facial reconstruction... I think I want my face to look like that pig Green Lantern... or maybe one of those scrull things with the weird chins. I’ll be the most popular girl at the comic book store!

  2. My dear, you're already the most popular girl at the comic store...

  3. Um, . . . what comic store? Might as well make her more popular . . . it'd be a shame to waste any of her fifteen and fifteen and fifteen and fifteen minutes of fame . . .
