Thursday, January 28, 2010

Quote Of The Week 1--Enter The Asgardian Dragon

From Avengers Initiative #32, written by Christos Gage:

I have to admit...I never thought of it that way before. Thor as the "Bruce Lee of Asgard."

Of course, if "most Asgardians are only about as tough as Spider-Man," that sorta kinda belies the premise of Siege, wherein Volstagg "would not know the effect his power would have unleashed upon mortals." I mean, Spider-Man couldn't blow up Soldier Field, even on a good day.

Still, the thought of Thor in Fists Of Fury has me smiling...


  1. Most Asgardians aren't Volstagg, the Lion of Asgard, Snell.

    We all know that he could take Thor, the other Warriors 3, Loki, and Beta Ray Bill at once. Him not doing it is just so others have a chance to shine.

  2. But if Volsatgg could take Thor, and Thor is the Bruce Lee of Asgard...does that mean that Volstagg could take Bruce Lee??

