Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ollie Has Some Advice For Roy Harper

Starting in March, DC is going to be publishing a 4 issue mini-series, Justice League: The Rise Of Arsenal, dealing with how Roy Harper will deal with the tiny injury he recently sustained:

There's the obvious question, "What, he's Arsenal again? So that Red Arrow nonsense is over?" But there's the other question: "4 issues? Really?"

Which is a good question, because Oliver Queen dealt with the whole not having arms problem in just a few pages. Yes, I said "arms."

Travel with me back to Justice League Of America #36 (1965). The doofus villain Brainstorm has given each member of the JLA a disability...

...including having Green Arrow lose both his arms!!

Did we get moaning and wailing? Did we get a 4 issue mini-series? Nope...Ollie just sucked it up and got the job done!!

And later, he does it again!!

Ollie was short two arms, and there was no trauma, no "dangerous journey into despair" (as the solicit puts it), and no 4 issues. That's how a Justice Leaguer does it, Roy (and DC writers).

1 comment:

  1. I don't see why he needs to be all emo when the Cadmus Project can whip him up a new arm sharpish. Hell, Vic Stone can even give him a prosthetic limb while he waits. Jeez Roy, you live in the DCU. Walk it off.
