Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Night Fights--Democracy In Action Style!!

This is your chance to make your voice heard!!

Starting tonight, all of the weekly winners of Friday Night Fights--Feet Of Fury will compete in the grand prize game, wherein you, the readers, pick the overall winner.

Now, said winner will receive a gynormous $5 prize, and I want that prize. So, I want all of you to go over there and vote for me me me!!!

Now, you might be saying, "gee, snell, why should I vote for you? What's in it for me?" Good question, with a good answer. The answer--I'm giving you a free, bonus, extra, at-no-charge-to-you Friday Night Fight!!

Let's hop back to 2000 AD #112 (1979), in an advertisement for some candy known as Trebor Chews. Oh, you Brits and your crazy candies!! Anyhoo, the ad features a "colour these panels for a free bicycle" contest...featuring Superman and his Feet of Fury!!!!

I've never seen Superman kick a helicopter before...and I've got to think that it's probably not the best way to save Lois, who is actually inside the helicopter. Maybe the English aren't clear on Superman's usual M.O....

Yup. Look at Superman ever so slowly take Lois down to "terra firma" while the copter he kicked is about to crash and kill a lot of innocent Metropolitans. Ah, well ,what do you expect from the United Kingdom equivalent of a Hostess ad?

Oh, yeah, you could get something free, too!

Oooh, anoraks!!

There. I've given you guys something for free. Now you've got to head over to Spacebooger's crib and vote for me me me!! Of course, if you choose, you can vote for one of the other fine and worthy candidates. But before you do, think: did any of them give you a free bonus Friday Night Fight with Kal-El kicking a helicopter? I think not...