Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quiz Answer

Obviously, I didn't hide it too well, as those who did guess got it right:

Yes, Deathlok #18 was the LOUDEST comic of December 1992.

Ah, the 1990's, when "guaranteeing" that your comic was "THE LOUDEST" was actually a selling point...sigh.


  1. Boy it was loud! I really miss the classics. Things went seriously awry with multiple titles of a book combined with the VERY LOUD in the 1990s. Nice work.

  2. ooh! Cyberwar part 2 of 3! How could you go wrong?

  3. Well, Adam, it's actually part 2 of 5, so there's a whole lotta wrong there...

  4. Hahahaha!

    No wonder I was all up into Vertigo and indies through the 90s...

  5. oops. i neglected to embiggenate. which was dumb, really - cos it's much LOUDER at 800 x 600!
