Sunday, September 20, 2009

Titans North?

Sure, the Justice League has been a broken concept for the past 3 years, with nobody creatively or editorially seemingly having the least clue of what the concept was even about.

So it's hard to complain when DC decides that it's time to start a whole "Brand New Era" in a couple of months. But really, is this progress??

So James Robinson is bringing in his pet characters from JLA: Cry For Boredom (because that's worked out so well so far); bringing in his pet characters from his run on Superman; and importing 4/7ths of the Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans.


Hey, I'm all for new blood in the JLA. But don't all those Titans already have their own mag, called...Titans? Did we really need 4 of them? (I hasten to add, nothing personal against any of those characters...I'm sure they'll all be fine Leaguers. But 4??) Yeah, I know Dick Grayson Batman is a special case...but 4? What, was Beast Boy too busy? Is Titans being cancelled, or are all these guys going to be in two team books?

The three characters who are being the biggest A-holes in Cry For Boredom, plus Congorilla? You're sure about that? There's a whole DC Universe out there of interesting potential Leaguers, and Robinson brings over three he's pretty conclusively proven that he has no idea how to write?

Mon-El (in an incredibly crappy costume?) and the Guardian? Really? Someone thought that was a good idea?

Oh, and Dr. Light, whom nobody has been able to do anything with for well over 20 years now??

You know, last time DC announced a James Robinson-written Justice League title with an offbeat lineup, I was pretty excited. Sadly, that series has been one of the biggest disappointments of recent years. So color me considerably less enthusiastic for the New new NEW Justice League.

Really, 4 Titans? Did Robinson run out of characters from DC 1st Issue Special to use?


  1. I was expecting the lineup to include Lady Cop, Warlord, and the Dingbats of Danger Street. Maybe they'll show up later.

  2. I am, however diggin' the Bagley art.

  3. Wow....this is BAD! Can just ANYONE make a group and call themselves the Justice League these days?

    As much as I still respect Robinson for his Starman run, his second foray into superhero comics hasn't gone over too well with me. It's one thing to dust off a discarded character like Guardian and make him into something interesting over in the Superman books, but quite another thing to bring him on to the Justice League. I've got as much "charity" toward overlooked characters as much as the next guy....but this is as illogical as it is self-indulgent on Robinson's part.

  4. Maybe this is a way of saving Starfire, Donna Troy and Cyborg from "The Titans"? They look way cool here drawn by Mark Bagley!

    Congorilla's going to be there like Beast was in the Avengers oh so many years ago. Plus Agents of Axis and Shadowpact have shown that apes can be important members of superteams.

    Guardian's there to be the Captain America of the group. Plus higher visibility keeps Grant Morrison's version of the Guardian from showing up, which is a crying shame in my book. Plus with that gold shield, he can pop Hal Jordan in the mouth before he does something stupid.

    All they need is a speedster. I vote for Max Mercury!

  5. Oh. One more thing.

    I wish Mon-El's costume had been designed by Mister Majestic. I understand wanting to maintain some sort of tradition for a character that's been around since the 1950s but the underwear over the pants look just don't fly anymore.
