Thursday, September 24, 2009

Nurse Curse

I know that Bendis introduced the modern version of Night Nurse, but when given the choice between this:

...and this:

I've gotta go with the version that doesn't flash deep cleavage during medical procedures, and doesn't swear like a sailor. But maybe that's just me.

Especially when, exactly three panels after telling everyone to "get the @#$% of out the room," Luke Cage's non-responsiveness causes her to go:

Uh, dear, you just kicked everybody out...whom are you asking, Ms. Bedside Manner?

Oh, Bendis, is there no character you can't cheapen and coarsen?

Perhaps the comparison between Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin's Doctor Strange: The Oath and Bendis & Stuart Immonen's New Avengers #57 isn't fair. Oh, @#$% that!!


  1. Maybe it's a different character? They each have different hair color... using the logic of cartoons where each character follows a specific template to define their appearance, those look like two different wimmin to me!

  2. Well, at least it wasn't drawn by Alex Maleev. Maleev's art looks like he just takes a picture of a model and then tells them to move a little bit more and then he takes another picture.

    By the way Snell, where is the Superman Returns review?!

  3. @#$% that! Why is her torso turned 90 degrees from her legs!?

  4. Sphinx--no, it's the same character, as subsequent dialogue makes clear. For what it's worth, Immonmen (and inker von Grawbadger and colorist McCaig) are the first to draw her this "off-model."

    Anthony--Funny you should mention Maleev...stay tuned...

    There will be no Superman Returns review. Here's a mini-review: Take the worst parts of the Christopher Reeve movies, make them worse (and more boring), and bash the audience over the head repeatedly with your Christian allegory. That's Superman Returns.

    Gary--that's drama, baby.
