Monday, September 14, 2009

Manic Monday--Minutiae

From Blackest Night: Batman #2 and Green Lantern Corps #40:

Please, please. please keep us fully apprised of the countdown in hundredths of a percentage.

Hell, why not take it all the way to thousandths of a percentage?

Or millionths?

Anything to disguise the fact that absolutely nothing is happening in this "epic" story, right? Pad, pad, pad...

Oh, wait, "POWER LEVELS 46.7745673%...."


  1. Hey Snell - you missed out the others that came before these:

  2. Oh, I know there were plenty more. Just reading thse issues back to back, and having the silly device continuing for the umptennth week, set off my snark-o-meter. Plus, I was too lazy to look up and scan the others...
