Sunday, July 5, 2009

This Is My Riddler

You can have your super-smart Riddler; you can have your "reformed" private detective Riddler; you can have (and keep) your Jim Carrey Riddler.

But as for me...this is my Riddler:

Because everybody needs an incompetent goofball in their rogues' gallery...even The Batman.

Extra bonus footage: Nigma being bumfuzzled by the Question:

Oh, Eddie...

The Riddler meets Philosophy 101 in The Question #26 (1989) by Denny O'Neill, Bill Wray and Malcolm Jones III


  1. I agree that you need a goofball but the Riddler is wrong for that role. By the way dude, you really need to do a Superman Returns review. Your Star Trek review was pure gold.

  2. While I don't mind a goofy Riddler, I think this take on him has less to do with writing style and more to do with DC's whole story philosphy at the time.

    This is post-Crisis, Post-Watchmen, Post-Dark Knight era, so DC was trying to make their heroes much more "serious and dark." I think this applied to some of the more colorful villains, like the Riddler. Of course, the Question's got a mullet, so what maybe it wasn't quite as successful.

    Anyhow, nice take on Mr. Nigma.

  3. Why is everyone obsessed with my doing a Superman Returns review? Sheesh...

    Servo, you're genreally right, but I believe this particular take on the Riddler was unique to O'Neill's use of him in the Question...

  4. Superman Returns Review! NOW!!! (:

    (Just kidding...sort of...)
