Saturday, July 11, 2009

Speed Round!!

Bullet Point Saturday!!
  • From Stan's Soapbox in February 2000 issues:

Funny how May never mentioned these relatives for 45 years...What, you mean the idea of Spider-Man spending pages lusting after his "hot cousins" didn't come from Stan?? Next thing, you'll be telling me that Stan didn't invent the idea of Spidey cracking oral sex jokes every issue, or Bullseye killing rats with his boogers...

  • You remember earlier how we were discussing Marvel's "rolling timeline" and exactly when Captain America was defrosted? Well, here's a tidbit from before the timeline started rolling, in Captain America #183 (1975):

By all means, cover the speaker's mouth with a caption boxPretty definitive, eh? 1964, the start of the Vietnam war...which I guess means either a) In the Marvel Universe Bill Clinton was president in 1964, or b) Cap waited 30 years to become an Avenger. Ohhhh, I hate rolling timelines...

  • Speaking of that issue, Nomad is looking for the Falcon, who's been missing for 3 days. And he can't find him anywhere. So Steve Rogers' master plan?

Oh, Nomad, you racist bastardYup...if you can't find your black partner, just go ask another black man. Oh, Steve Englehart, you idiot...

  • Final note on that issue: as a youth, Frank Robbins' artwork freaked me out a little. 30+ years later, it still does:

Officail villain of the University of South Carolina!
Seriously, Robbins was drawing things from other, unearthly dimensions

The saddest thing you'll read todayAnd no, Fabien Nicieza, having a self-referential caption where Genis acknowledges that it's a lame battle cry doesn't excuse using it in the first place.

That was from Captain Marvel #4 (1996). Just to prove it really was the 1990s:

Not enough pouchesOh, Ed Benes, you were such a Image-wannabe back then...

  • Dear DC:

The danger of fixating on movies you saw as a child...Superman I & II were not that great. Really. Get over it. Try some original ideas. You don't need to turn the whole Superman universe into the Cult of Richard Donner.

cc: Bryan Singer and Warner Brothers...

P.S. No, this doesn't mean I'm going to do a review of Superman Returns...

  • In the live-action Green Lantern movie, can we please please PLEASE have the Guardians of Oa played by Muppets? Because I really want to see Ryan Reynolds getting bossed around by Muppets... Or how about a CGI duplicated Deep Roy?? Oompa loompa doompity doo--we've got another mission for you...
  • Vertigo's The Unwritten is simply ridiculously good, and more people should be reading it/talking about it.
  • Just because....SPEED CHESS!!!


  1. Does it strike anyone else odd that both of the chicken-costumed themed super villains in Marvel (namely Gamecock and Black Talon) are both black? I'm not entirely sure the subtext on that one.

  2. Not sure about there being a common subtext here. AFAIK Black Talon has the cock motif because he (and his successor) was a practitioner of voodoo, and there you stereotypically associate animal sacrifices (and maybe animal spirits, I'm not sure). Gamecock is a name with which you associate cock-fighting, so it is one of many super-type identity associated with fighting animals (Black Cat, Wolverine, Tigra, Man-Bull etc.) The only chicken-themed Marvel supervillain associated with chicken as food that I am aware of was white - Mister Chicken, who only appeared in Howard the Duck Magazine #1.

  3. I was more being facetious then anything. :)

    That said, I don't recall Mister Chicken and I thought I knew my Howard The Duck villains. I might be poorly read on the black and white magazine though. Thinking about it, the only villain I recall from a black & white story was Captain Americanna (with his Good Housekeeping shield) and son calling him a "goober".

  4. The only "Gamecock" I know of are independent video game makers.

    So they play Atari Chess of Doom in the future? And the 2600 at that?

  5. What's even funnier about the "Suck my feet" battle cry is that, being a Liefeld-style '90s character, he doesn't even *have* feet!

  6. I think that it's a bastardized version of "Suck my dick, soldier prick!" 🙂
