Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's Alive!! ALIVE!!!

Well, I'm back, more or less.

So, what fun, inspiring, life-affirming comics did I miss last week?

Oh, Geoff Johns, you sick bastard...

Anyway, I am indeed back. Thanks to one and all for messages and prayers and yadda.

Long story short: I somehow ended up with a fairly huge and gross MRSA staph abscess in my hand, which required surgery and a short hospital stay. (And let's here it for the American health care industry, as my insurance company demanded I be discharged days earlier than my doctors recommended, and with drugs far less effective than they recommended! Hey, but it's all worth it to avoid rationing and bureaucrats...)

But I'm fine, I'm relatively pain-free, and with the bonus of some doctor-mandated time off of work. So it's back on the posting pony.

I effectively have one hand for awhile, so they'll probably be shorter posts (with more typos!) and fewer pretty pictures. But soon, we'll ramp up to full-blooded obnoxiousness, silliness, and total kewlness.

Seriously, was there anything really cool I missed last week?

Ahhhh, that's more like it...


  1. Good to see you back, Brian.

  2. Indeed. Take it easy on your time off!

  3. yeah that tonguing-batman's-skull panel almost got me starting a comics blog myself just to rant about it, but i figured that someone else was gonna get to it - probably you. so thanks for that.

    what a freakin' train wreck, hey?

  4. Welcome back to the land of moving parts. Get the phone numbers of any cute nurses/aides? At least it would make the stay worth it. :)
