Thursday, June 25, 2009

More, Please

Dear DC,

Please give us an ongoing series based on this:

As near as I can tell, this is the greatest concept for a comic EVER.

Also, as near as I can tell, James Robinson has concocted Will Von Hammer out of thin air.

Oh, his super-hero great-grandfather (?? your syntax is a bit muddled here, Mr. Robinson), Stormy Foster, was real enough:

He debuted in Quality's Hit Comics #18 (1941), and lasted a couple of years.

And as a German with the name Von Hammer, well, the sky is the limit.

But Will, himself, smart and partially invulnerable private detective who ends up fighting super-powered muscle in bizarre cases? Perfection.

The series almost writes itself. And if you can get Howard Chaykin to draw it, well, I'm first in line, DC.

P.S. Hey, DC, isn't kind of odd that we have all of these Legionnaires hanging around the 21st century (The Lightning Saga, Starboy, Tellus, Mon-El) but we can't seem to justify a series set in their own time?!? What the heck is up with that??

Best comic proposal EVER from Superman #689 (you know, the magazine that Superman never appears in), by Robinson, Renato Guedes, & Jose Wilson Magalhaes.


  1. Will Von Hammer is quite cool, but it's only the 2nd best comic proposal from that issue, after Octo-Robo-Ape!

  2. I always enjoy any comic that acknowledges there are probably dozens of fantastic super-hero stories out there we're not hearing about because they don't take place in America, especially New York

  3. I'd personally love to see Detective Comics feature an array of comic book detectives such as Slam Bradley, Angel and the Ape, Jonni Thunder, the ghosts of Ralph and Sue Dibny, Will Von Hammer and whatever DC detectives I'm forgetting.
