Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lazy List Day

No time for a real post here's a couple of links you might enjoy.

Here's the results of fan voting on Marvel's site for the best 100 (Marvel or Timely) covers of the past 70 years. Really? That's #1?!? That wasn't even the best cover of the month it came out, let alone the past 70 years. Sigh, what do you expect...

And here is IGN's list of the top 100 comic villains ever. They don't say how their rankings were compiled, but some thought clearly went into them. Still, as you get near the bottom, your head might explode from some of the comparisons: Electro a better villain than Hunter Rose? The Mandarin ranked below Mirror Master and Sandman???

Have a nice weekend.


  1. There are some ASTONISHINGLY bad covers in that line-up, including that Gambit/Rogue one where she's cut in half so that we can see her butt better (#32 on the list). Lots of lame group shots that are so prevalent (and forgettable) these days.

    A lot of people went for the story and not the cover too. ASM #122? That's not a good cover. Nor is the one that proclaims Phoenix Must Die. New Mutants #1???? How boring can you get? How about Ultimates 3 #1?

    A terrible list.

  2. Have to agree about that Marvel covers list. Number 1 is average at best and many of the others are only okay. Very disappointing.

  3. You've got to be kidding . . .

    These people obviously don't have a grasp of Marvel history.

    It looks like this could fairly be called - and I still wouldn't agree with the cover selection - the best Marvel covers of the last decade.

    But even that's stretching it . . .

    Wow. Who's reading comics these days? And who's posting on Marvel's site? And why hasn't someone who's been around a while - from the Marvel bullpen - come out and given their list to balance out the historical part?

  4. Even the *good* covers have some odd choices. Like #8, which is coincidentally AVENGERS #8. A fine Kirby cover, sure, but what makes it stand out from other cool Kirby covers (like #4, for instance, which didn't even crack the list despite being much more famous)?
