Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tales From The Quarter Bin--I Am A Mighty Hunter/Gatherer

What did I find today, trolling the depths of the voluminous quarter bins at my local comics shoppe??

Why, nothing much....

...just a complete run of Jon Sable Freelance...

...a complete run of Manhunter...

...and one of my most-lusted after comics EVER:

It's good to be alive, is all I'm sayin'.


  1. Jon Sable is a great overlooked title. First had quite a few titles that an enterprising Marvel DC or Image editor would be wise to look into picking up.

  2. IDW has Jon Sable right now. They published a new 6 issue mini in 2005-06, and have been republishing the original series in trades. Still, a quarter apiece is an unbeatable bargain...

  3. Is this the same Sable from the TV Series?

    I vaguely remember seeing a few episodes.

  4. Yes, the series was based on the comic. I never saw it, it only lasted 7 episodes. But it did co-star Rene Russo in her first screen credit!!

  5. I enjoyed JSF immensely but eventually it did start to get to me that Mike Grell's characters almost always talk with their mouths closed!! AARRGGHH!
