Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Hollywood Shuffle

Just asking:

If all Bendis characters essentially "sound" the same in their dialogue (and they do)...

...And if Bendis can write characters of Canadian, Russian, East European, Greek, and gosh-knows-where-else origins without having to phonetically spell out their accents in the word balloons...

...Then why, exactly, is it that when a non-Caucasian person shows up...

...we're suddenly in cartoon stereotype dialect country? What is this, Jive Time Jimmy's Revenge?

Once more, with feeling:

Oh, dear...Perhaps Jericho Drumm has been attending Black Acting School...

Sweet Christmas, that panel comes from this week's New Avengers #53.


  1. Check out this crazy line and crazy cover from a Spidey / Brother Voodoo team-up (from a blog started at Leah Moore and John Reppion's site):

    Yeah, baby, spot on. Don't dare do the defy-lement business on us.

  2. Brian Bendis sits in front of his computer working on the latest Avengers masterpiece:"They call me homies!...not quite...holla!...naw....Brudder! yeah thats the ticket!
