Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Literary Gift

From a back cover blurb on Dynamite's Sherlock Holmes #1:

Why, yes, Jeph Loeb, Sherlock Holmes is a "brand new wrapper" for a Victorian mystery story. Because Batman inspired Sherlock Holmes, obviously. And any good Holmes story is just a gussied-up Batman story.

If he wrote a blurb for a Tarzan book, it would probably read "It's a Ka-Zar story with a brand new wrapper!"

Yeah, I'm being overly harsh and picky, but Loeb is (supposedly) a professional writer, so if he can't express his ideas better, well, he deserves the scorn. And then there's Heroes...

In the interest of fairness, here's the full blurb:

P.S. It was a pretty good issue, although I don't buy the characterization of someone that we're shown at the end. Although it's certain to be "all is not as it seems," so judgment is officially withheld.


  1. I just about fell off my chair from Loeb's hypocrisy. If anyone's guilty of creative Deja Vu, it's this guy. How many times can you repeat the "every member of the rogue's gallery shows up" story before people start wising up to your limited bag of tricks?

    What a doofus.

    -Mark Engblom

  2. Didn't Doyle rip off Edgar Allan Poe's parisian detective C Auguste Dupin? What was realy messed up is that Doyle he had Waston come right out and say that Holmes reminded him of Dupin.

    Maybe that is why Loeb is such a Doyle fan. They are both hacks.

  3. Man, I really have to stop posting after I get off work. I meant to say "What was realy messed up is that Doyle had Waston come right out and say that Holmes reminded him of Dupin"

    Now I have to go to bed.
