Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Loves Me A Good Homage...

...especially when it's a good one. Because when I see this:

I can't help but be reminded of this:

So kudos to Ed McGuinness, for capturing the feel of a classic cover without merely slavishly aping it.

And bonus kudos for homaging a cover from before he was born (probably), and not one of the classic icons.

And bonus bonus kudos for doing a tribute to John Buscema, whom you just don't hear enough about these days.

And quadruple kudos for not putting zombies or skrulls or apes orwhatever Marvel's get-rich-quick-alternate-cover-scheme is these days.

Now if only Marvel hadn't frakked it up by charging $3.99 for each cover, meaning you had to pay 8 bucks for the diptych...

Covers from Red Hulk #10 and Avengers Annual #2 (1968)

1 comment:

  1. ...pleeease tell me that Baron's team were called 'The Offenders'? 😁
