Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bold Fashion Choices--The Devil Wears Ro-Bert

If you loved The Devil Wears Prada...if you're addicted to Project Runway...then you've probably spent some small portion of your gray matter wondering: What was the New York high fashion business like in 1950??

Well, before Audrey Hepburn came along and ruined everything, apparently the chic place to buy fashion was from comic books:

The Devil Wears Gaberdine??Yes, reknowned New York City fashion house Ro-Bert was able to offer sophistication and high fashion for a low low price. Don't believe it? Look:

So sophisticated, we advertise in a children's medium!
For the price of a 2009 Marvel comic book!!Now, I know what you're thinking: This is just some American fool named Robert who put a hyphen in his name so it would sound French, just so he can sell cheap clothing to naive young women. Well, fie on that thought!! First, check out the "latest colors:"

Gray is SOOO glamorousWho else but a true fashion trailblazer would have those? And then check out this description:

Bust line, waist line--who knew women had so many lines?Rayon, people--RAYON!!!!

And Chez Ro-Bert wasn't the only outfit who thought that comic books were a great venue to sell high-fashion:

If her waist were any thinner, she'd be two-dimensional!!!Hmmm...and why does Wilco Fashions (also from New York City!!) get to demand $7.98 for their outfit, when Ro-bert only commands $3.99?

Edith Head is taking notes...Because they score a perfect 100% on the "fashion highpoints" checklist, that's why!!

So here's another way to revive the comics industry, and help keep the price of my comics down--bring the big fashion houses back on board to advertise!!!

Mr. Blackwell obviously missed Campus Loves #4 (1950)

1 comment:

  1. Good gravy! Look at the waist on that poor woman in the second ad. If she bends over, she'll snap in half!
