Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Questions For A Week When Nobody's Reading

A) Now that Geoff Johns has announced that he's leaving JSA--and DC has yet to announce the new team--what do you think the over/under is on the number of months until cancellation??

I'm certainly not rooting for that. But given the inability of almost anyone else to ever make the title sell, and the inability of DC to provide stable creative teams for almost any book not helmed by Johns, I'm not optimistic. So I'm guessing 7 post-Johns issues...and then another re-launch at some point.

B) Why can't I have a hedge maze for Christmas? Seriously, give me one good reason...

C) Is it just me, or is "Doctor Hurt" just Hush with a more respected creative pedigree??

D) Given the tremendous complications that it could produce for the ongoing Purple Reign story line, what is the likelihood that we ever get any answer to the question of exactly what Spider-Man's and the Green Goblin's history is post-Brand New Day?

Seriously, given the fact that Bendis has spent literally years building up to the moment where Norman Osborn takes over the world, did Quesada ever bother to let him now that they were going to frell up Osborn's memories and/or timeline?!? (Of course, Bendis could pull a little bit of plot jiu jitsu and say that Norman's so nuts because of Mephisto's machinations...)


  1. A) I'm a bit more optimistic. A year, maybe more. It's depressing how much trouble DC has keeping quality creators on board.

    B) You just want a hedge maze so you can lurch around the place toting an axe.

    C) Probably.

    D) Never heard of this "Brand New Day" thing. I've got a deal with Mephisto that's gonna erase all memory of it.

  2. I'm still reading, but I don't have any answers for your questions. But a hedge maze does sound very cool!


  3. I'M here everyday checking this blog.

    Can JSA survive without Johns...Yes.
    If a decent team comes on and stays with it.
    Will it get a decent team?
    Ha! This is DC Comics; they just give up too soon. Look for a relaunch after issue 50.

    I'm unemployed and "I got nowhere else to go"

    though job interviews yesterday and next Monday may change that...

    Alan aka jettblackberryx@yahoo.com

  4. The new JSA writing team is Bill Willingham and Matthew Sturges. They do "Fables" together. They also did "Shadowpact" and "Blue Beetle" individually. Not as familiar with Willingham's stuff, but Sturges did a great job on "Beetle". Damn book still got cancelled, though.

    Make of it what you will.

  5. NotFace--yeah, I saw that DiDio announced that the day after I posted...my timing is nothing if not bad.

    Still, I found DiDio's phraseology very odd:

    "They have this incredible story they're working on in Fables right now where they're crossing over all the Fables books, so we're just waiting for them to come free of their Fables schedule a little, and then they're going to be taking over Justice Society on a regular basis."

    Wait--aren't there only two Fables books right now? So what extra work is required? And "waiting for them to come free of their schedules" sounds mighty non-committal for a start date. I suspect that means we'll be getting an undetermined number of fill-in issues before the new team (still with no announced artist) takes over.

    And I really hope "come free of the Fables schedule" doesn't mean one or both is leaving there...or something more ominous...
