Monday, December 29, 2008

Manic Monday--You CAN Judge The Quality Of A Hero By His Villains

I take back everything I ever said about Superman having the lamest rogues' gallery:

Specialization is the key to supervillainry
No resemblance at all to Crimson Dynamo, Titanium Man, and...uhhh...Big Purple Claw Guy
Future career opportunity for Michael Phelps
The Liquidator?? Must be pretty busy on Wall Street these days...Okay, I admit, it was unfair not to show the Black Manta and Ocean Master boxes. Then again, would they really have helped much? And those were the only other two shown in the feature...

Still, they're better than GAARD!!!!!!

Heeeeee's back!!Aquaman's (chortle) rogues' gallery is depicted in "Diabolical Demons of the Depths" in DC Super-Stars #7 (1976)


  1. From the context, I'm assuming Merna(sp?) is the narrator here. Why is she giving us Aquaman issue #s. Do they have an Aquaman comic within the DC universe, like the FF do in the Marvel Universe?

  2. It was Mera, and having a character narrate those little informational features was pretty standard at DC in the day...
