Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Celebrate With Siskoid

My main man Siskoid has just finished his unbelievably epic quest of reviewing ALL--that's right, every single one--of the Star Trek TV episodes and motion pictures. Once a day, every day, no matter what.

Post #726 went up Wednesday--726!!--and we should all congratulate him on his completely insane accomplishment.

He's not quitting...he's now taking up Star Trek comics and novels. Dude, I pity you..some of those Gold Key stories are....brrr....I get queasy just thinking about it.

He's not just a one-trick pony, though--it is called Siskoid's Blog of Geekery for a reason. Whether it's Spaceknight Saturdays, writing about his RPG experiences, creating his own unauthorized Doctor Who collectible card game--and lots and lots of comics stuff, too--there's always something worth reading, and vast archives to rummage through.

So drop by, read, congratulate him.

Oh, and this is my 500th post. Wheee.


  1. Using your 500th post to congratulate someone else? You are a true (and classy) original, Snell! Great job on getting to 500...I never miss a day.

  2. Don't give me too much credit, Mark. I had planned some more elaborate celebration, but plumbing problems unexpectedly consumed a big chunk of my day...

  3. Thanks, to all 3 of you guys.

    The effort you all put into each of your blogs is appreciated. I know they help to brighten my day... and slow down my productivity at work for a few minutes.

    Happy 500th - here's to 500 more (I know, that's easy for me to say)

  4. Happy 500th!

    I missed this little homage during the week because I was away (yes, last week was all "pre-blogged"), but I'm honored.

    The Gold Key stuff is indeed something else, but at its best, has that Silver Age crazy feel to it.

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