Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Raindrops Keep Falling On His Head...

Most people have either forgotten, or were never aware in the first place, of the huge limitation the Human Torch had on his powers back in the day.

You see, not only could he stay aflame only for a much shorter period of time than he can nowadays, not only could he not burn as hot...but he had a weakness that makes Green Lantern's vulnerability to yellow look kind of macho:

What about snow, Johnny?! What. About. Snow?!?Yes, study those weather maps, Johnny..."Hey, Reed, I can't help fight Galactus today, there's a low pressure center forming over Albany and..."

You realize, of course, that this makes the Johnny Storm's greatest enemy none other than:

That hot dog is about to dieBut you already knew that, didn't you?? We all remember that famous scene when Mr. Roker had the Torch as his prisoner:

The most frightening villain EVERYou know the best part of all of this?? Doctor Doom probably could have beaten the Fantastic Four a long time ago if he had just thought to attack them when it was raining!!

Roker 1, Doom 0Sorry, Victor....

The Human Torch's public admission of his weakness came in the "Fantastic Four Feature Page" in FF#9 (1962).

1 comment:

  1. So, Johnny ends up with a power ring when the Guardians cross over to the Marvel Universe to avert some Multi-verse threatening catastrophe or another.

    At a pivotal moment when Johnny is all powered up, engulfed in green flame and ready to lay the whoopass down on the recently revealed universal force behind it all... right after he shouts out some machismic beat-down battle cry or another...

    Someone smacks him with a damp yellow sponge.

    That's worth $2.99 right there.
