Monday, October 20, 2008

Manic Monday--One Scene, Two Artists:

The final panel of Master of Kung Fu #40 (1976), by Paul Gulacy:

The first panel (after the splash page) of Master of Kung Fu #41, by Sal Buscema and Mike Esposito:

#41 was a fill-in issue, but it used the end situation from #40 as a framing sequence for what was a flashback story. For full disclosure in comparison, the Gulacy panel was about double the size of Buscema's.

No commentary offered here...I just thought it was interesting to see how too very different artists handled the exact same scene.

And lest anyone make unkind remarks about Sal's work...just let me note that Marvel probably NEVER needed to do a fill-in because Mr. Buscema couldn't get a book done on a monthly schedule, whereas Mr. Gulacy was rarely able to go more than 3 or 4 issues within having to have a fill-in, usually by Sal Buscema, or Ron Wilson, or Keith Pollard...

1 comment:

  1. I was getting all fired up to defend Sal (who's work I generally don't care for) as at least being a capable professional. He's not flashy or dynamic, his layouts and characters may look formulaic, but He seemed to always hit his deadlines.

    I also think Gulacy is really overrated,but that's probably just me.
