Saturday, August 23, 2008

Guess What This Is?

Uhhh....both??That's right...

Is 'old enemies' really the slogan you want to use to sell comics??It's my...

not the ugliest cover I will show you today...400th post...

That's a whole lotta Man-Bat...I've been doing this...

SPOILER ALERT: this is the one where Peter DOESN'T make a deal with Satan to save Aunt May's life...mostly daily...

Still not the worst cover in this post...for 400 freakin' posts...

Good issue, ugly cover...and I haven't burned out (yet).

No Frank Miller? Ah, this was one month before The Dark Knight Returns...So thanks for hangin'...

Ah, the '90s...and I'll try to keep being vaguely entertaining for 400 more. Oh, and one more thing:

So very terrifyingThe Gombezi f@#$%ing rock!


  1. The Gombezi do indeed ROCK - and so do you! Thanks for 400 great posts. Here's to the next 400.

  2. Hahaha! Congratulations and I hope you never do (burn out).

  3. Gratz on 400, Snell! :)

  4. 400? That's like half a century of somethin' Geez!

