Saturday, August 16, 2008

Deus Ex Vita Forma Inlex

Caleb has done a fine job of ripping Secret Invasion #5, so I don't want to belabor the point too much. There are, however, two things I've got to say:

First, as Caleb notes, we FINALLY finish the confrontation between the Skrull Captain Marvel and the Thunderbolts that started way back in Skrullapalooza #1 (remember...5 issues in, and only 20 minutes have elapsed. Wondrous pacing).

Anyway, my question is this--since the Skrulls' haven't announced themselves to the world yet...and these Skrulls are supposedly completely undetectable (except by Reed Richard's magic ray gun, which he hadn't invented yet) question is this:

Yeah, this is guy I want giving me the sympathetic voice
And Norman knows about Skrulls how?How does Norman Osborn know that Mar-Vell's a Skrull? What, he assumes that Mar-Vell is a shape-shifting alien with Mar-Vell's powers, instead of the usual mind-control option? Osborn's not telepathic, but even if he were, these guys can't be detected telepathically. Is he just guessing? Or is it just that Bendis can't be bothered to remember his own premise when he want a "dramatic" scene to play out? Some would call that cheating.

Secondly, we've established multiple times that ALL Stark tech and ALL S.H.I.E.L.D. tech are down. All communications are down, the internet is down. S.H.I.E.L.D. itself is lousy with Skrulls. Bendis has established this time and time again. So how do we get Maria Hill out of her tense (and by tense I mean 3 issue-long 2 minute conversation...) situation:

Still, it's better than anyting in the movie A.I.Yup, all Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. tech is down...except for this one thing, which we suddenly reveal (without prior hint or clue) has somehow magically not been compromised, and we unveil this only at the moment when it can save Maria and kill the Jarvis Skrull. Life Model Decoys to the rescue!!

That's not only cheating, that's piss-poor story-telling. (And yes, I get the irony of beating the Skrulls with undetectable doubles...but since it blatantly contradicts the situation Bendis has laboriously set up, it's nay so much irony as, the Skrulls brilliantly took down everything Stark/S.H.I.E.L.D., but somehow forgot LMDs??).

Bendis: he loves you...just not enough to play fair in his story-telling.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe Norman's madness gives him special insight.

    As for the LMD...well, yeah.
