Saturday, June 7, 2008

Alternate Universe Issues?

Remember that bit from comedian Patton Oswald's blog 3 months ago?
Brian’s already let me read the first three issues of SECRET INVASION, which is Marvel Comics’ big summer dust-up.

After COUNTDOWN and CIVIL WAR, I was going to take a break from these big summer crossover thingies. But this SECRET INVASION...holy shit.

This is not a big, disposable, multi-issue donnybrook. This is a blitzkrieg from page one. Bendis basically worked out a remorseless, nothing-but-business tearing down of the Marvel Universe. And it’s clear the story has been set up...for...years. And the deaths are treated so off-handedly, with no appeal or remorse -- and this is three issues in.

So far, each issue has also ended with a shit-your-pants, ’Wait, what in the FUCK?!" moment...after, of course, about three or four what-the-fuck moments tossed off during the course of each story. As it stands right now, someone’s holding a possible key to stopping the Skrulls, and it’s the LAST person in the Marvel Universe you’d want with that info. And no, it’s not Dr. Doom.
Well, after reading the first three issues myself, I'm a wonderin'...when do we get to read the same 3 issues Oswalt got to? Because I sure haven't seen the same stuff he's talkin' about...


  1. Man, Secret Invasion is wretched. I can't even tell who lives or who dies in the latest issue (all read off the shelf, don't worry about me spending money on it) partly because I don't know 75% of the characters in the mish-mash battle scenes.

    Here's a 2-page spread about what's happening in Thunderbolts. Here's another about what's happening in Avengers. Here's... and so on. I'm pretty sure people can follow along in the series they do collect without getting this "bridge".
