Monday, April 21, 2008

Manic Monday--Aping DC

Well, one of the big announcements from the NY Comic Con was that Marvel will be publishing a new title, Marvel Apes:

Ook,ookHmmm, that doesn't seem familiar at all, does it? Nothing at all like the JLApe stories running through DC's 1999 Annuals...

A planet where the Justice league evolved from men?
First Skrullapalooza *ahem* borrows from Millennium, now Marvel Apes...Marvel's new motto under Quesada: We'll rip off every DC idea as soon as it's a decade or two old...


  1. I love how, in the other teaser image, the title of the series is in fact revealed to be the rather revealing sentence "Marvel apes!"

    Indeed Marvel, yes you do.

  2. Well, and don't forget the Marvel Zombies between Zombie covers, Skrull-hero covers, and ape-hero covers, it would appear this is their long-term growth plan. Next year? Muppet versions of the Marvel Universe.
