Sunday, March 16, 2008

Just Askin'--Doom Slang?!?

From Mighty Avengers #10 last week:

Coming soon: Doom calls Iron Man 'dude,''bro,' and 'Shellhead'Doctor Doom says "Okay"?!?!?!?


Maybe it's just me, but somehow I don't picture Victor Von Doom, monarch of Latveria, possessor of a raging superiority complex over all things super-hero and American, indulging himself in American slang, especially when trying to prove his superiority to Tony Stark.

"Okay"?!?!?! Instead of "All right" or "Touche" or any of 50 other options that don't involve him talking like Spider-Man or Hawkeye or everyone else Bendis writes??

Of course, he could be a Skrull...that's the hidden beauty of the ridiculousness of the upcoming Skrullapalooza (aka Secret Invasion aka Millennium II): it's a cheap way to excuse any inconsistency or poor writing!! Although you'd think that if these Skrulls were any good at infiltration, there wouldn't BE that many inconsistencies to explain away...

Anyway, Doom saying "Okay?" I can't wait to see what Bendis has him saying next issue...


  1. Doombot.

    Really bad Doombot. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  2. "Anyway, Doom saying "Okay?" I can't wait to see what Bendis has him saying next issue..."

    My guess:

