Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Green Trashcan

Well, as you've no doubt noticed, I've spent waaay too much time this past week discussing the wonder that is Go-Go #5 (or, as we know it around here at Slay Monstrobot, the gift that keeps on giving). We've dissected the cover, we've gaped in awe at the Rotting Stumps.

Well, let's take one last dip in the pool of cool (at least for now), and take a very brief look at The Bestest League of America!!

Yup, it's a silly parody, that wishes it were as funny or inspired as the glory days of MAD comics. Sorry, Gary Friedrich and Grass Green, no such luck. It's pretty trite, even for 1967. Wondrous Woman (she's a Glamazon!!). Lean Arrow? Aukman?? Aquariuman?!? Ho ho, hee hee. The art ain't much better, either.

But there were two things that actually made me giggle. First:

Guess he's a Red Martian...S'amm S'mmith? Now THAT's funny!

And the leader of the BLA? Why, none other than Green Trashcan!!

You see, yellow is the smell of fear, and...See, his ring emits smells, and...anyway, here's my favorite part, as GT recharges his ring:

Well, it rhymes, at leastAlfred Bester it ain't...


  1. Boy that smell-o-ring and that bowtie guy are truly ever-swingin'.
    And that was the highlight? Yeesh.

  2. You know, I think I have a friend who would buy a comic featuring the Martian Manhandler...

  3. We are a "Green Grass Roots" conservation and evironmental research organization with a core focus of Recycling, Environmental Research and Education. We believe every house and business in Amercia needs a Green Trash Can.

    We consist of a small group of Oceanographers, Biologists and Environmental Researchers, with a driving focus of promoting global recycling, sustainable living and developing a greener planet.

    Please review our site, make suggestions and help us create a Greener Planet.

