Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Speaking of Trophy Cases...

We've maybe seen some subtle movement on the "give Stephanie Brown a trophy case" movement lately, with some writers tossing in wry remarks and hallucinatory sequences and whatnot. Hints of support? Or maybe they're just mocking those lobbying for a memorial for her. ...

I'm largely agnostic on the issue. But here's another question for you: where's the display for Jean-Paul Valley??

What? No one remembers me?Sure, no one seemed to like him all that much (although his series did last for 100 issues). But he actually WAS the Goddamned Batman for awhile. And he was an agent of Batman's for far longer than Spoiler/Robin.

So if we're talking trophy case equity, it seems we should be talking about Azrael, too...


  1. I think the Azrael statue is back in the 90's display room nobody talks about, and that not even Alfred is allowed to clean.

  2. He'dead??

    (See how I've been keeping up?)

  3. Siskoid--yes, he was killed in the final issue of his own mag (#100). Although the body was never recovered "on screen"...

  4. Mark--do ya think Alfred is like Jarvis, and threatens to quit if he has to dust the statue of "that #$%^ Azreal?"

  5. You'd think he'd keep his energy for the bigger battles.

    Like not having to dust the dinosaur or polish the giant penny.

  6. You'd think he'd keep his energy for the bigger battles.

    Like not having to dust the dinosaur or polish the giant penny.
