Monday, January 7, 2008

Captain Dunsel

Well, that's it. We comic bloggers are now obsolete. We're officially co-opted by The Man.

How can we ever compete with this?

Great. Now I have to keep my day job.


  1. 18???

    Really, it's just another way of having a webpage for each title, with comments enabled and scrolling info.

    I wonder how easy or hard it is to supply content for 18 blogs. Actually, I'd really like Marvel or DC to attempt this, just to see the whole thing crash and burn.

  2. I was disappointed - Betty and Veronica was nowhere near as hot as I hoped a blog featuring two girls would be.

  3. siskoid: To the Archie Group, "blog" means "online press release." But at least its a step towards the 21st century.

    I bet Marvel or DC could do it, though. Hell, how many of us poor, humble bloggers wouldn't gladly run Marvel's blogs for a pittence??

    Gary: just wait until sweeps week.

  4. I dunno. Sounds like a communications nightmare to me, but then, managing communications nightmares is part of my real world job ;)
