Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Upon Further Review...Batman

After reading some of this week's DC books, I had to go back and look up something in Detective Comics #33:

Vows made by candlelight count double
Hmm, that's not how I remember it, but in light of this Ra's Al Ghul nonsense, I guess it makes sense. Let me check again:

How's that for making Batman more modern?
Hmm, again not quite how I remember it...I must be getting old. Given Batman & the Outsiders #1, I'd better check again:

Don't forget Checkmate, Bruce!Obviously, my memory is playing tricks on me. I'd better concentrate and check one more time:

Thank you, Chris SimsAhhhh, there's the Goddamn Batman I know and love...


  1. Hi
    I just click 'next blog' at the top and come to your blog.
    Do you like reading carton books?
    Me too, especially comic books.
    I want to practise my English by reading English cartoon books(I'm Thai,do you know my country, Thailand), your blog is interesting.^o^

  2. Er...okay. Anywy, back to my comment:

    LOL! Hilarious stuff, Snell. You're definitely on a roll these days.

  3. Now, Mark, be nice to the newbies...

    Thank you for the compliment. This is my first time playing around like that, and considering my complete lack of artisitc skill, I'm thrilled with how it came out!! i guess that means more will follow, eventually...
