Thursday, October 11, 2007

Yanking Out the Rug from Beneath Us--Update

OK, so last week I was bitching about DC punting on storylines that were running late. Just not waiting for your team to finish, and instead starting the next storyline, and printing the end at some later time in an annual or such. It had happened in Wonder Woman, Action Comics, and Superman Confidential.

Well, here they go again. In this week's Superman #668, they do it again. For whatever reason the conclusion of the "Camelot Falls" storyline wasn't done, so some editor just said "Let's punt it":

A very polite F#$% you
I suppose we can now add Carlos Pacheo and Kurt Busiek to the list of those who aren't important enough (apparently) to have magazines delayed for them, while Frank Miller and Jim Lee and Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely have carte blanche to take entire calender seasons, if not years, between issues of All-Star Superman and All-Star Goddamn Batman.

I do give them a little credit: at least there was an actual apology this time, and a definite issue given where the story will be eventually printed. Still, though, there's no definite time frame given--"later this year" isn't terribly helpful.

Frankly, this is nuts. Something like this happens once, well, stuff happens. But 4 times?!?! Three of them on major, in-continuity titles? That is inexcusable. Period. This is a complete editorial meltdown, is what it is.

DC needs to either a) stop relying on artisits who can't do monthly work for their monthly titles; or b) grant them the time they need to finish by delaying publication. Maybe this is news to DC, but constantly screwing over your readers really isn't good policy.

And if this kinda thing is going to keep happening, why the hell can't it ever happen to Countdown?????

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