Monday, October 1, 2007

Hopping on the Bandwagon

Dudes, I know how to join a meme:

If he loves you, he will come back...
I have no knowledge of the status of the ROM rights, or who has 'em, or what the flipping problem is. But this must end now.

It's not like there's any huge amount of value in Rom's rights, right? So somebody cut somebody a check and let's get this party started.

I'm reminded of a similar situation faced by the best TV show of all time, Mystery Science Theater 3000. They tried to get the rights to riff a terrible 1950 Z-movie, Radar Secret Service. Apparently whoever held the rights thought they had a hot commerical property on their hands, and were waiting for Spielberg or NBC or someone to step up with a big check. It didn't happen, and 3 years later they called up MST and said their movie was available.

So seriously...whoever holds the rights to ROM, really...what are you waiting for? A Michael Bay made summer blockbuster? George Lucas to step forward with a kajillion dollar check? It ain't gonna happen, Rom-rights holder.

Let's take the first step. I personally pledge $1 to the Free Rom fund, one whole dollar towards buying his rights or settling the lawsuit or whatever. C'mon, people, together we can do this...

Now about Miracleman...


  1. I think ROM is owned by Parker Brothers. They made the toy that started it all, didn't they?

  2. Greetings, friend.

    Chris Sims noted that "the rights to ROM are notoriously screwed up" in his post on the matter...I honestly know nothing about who has the rights, especially since whoever had them has probably been bought and sold 5-times over since the glory days of ROM.He says it was Hasbro??

  3. Hasbro owns Parker Bros, who owns ROM.

    Hasbro also has marvel toy rights.

    Yes, this is all kinds of messed up.

