Thursday, August 2, 2007

What the #$%^?--Gene Simmons' Dominatrix

Memo to Gene Simmons:

I know that you are a rock god. I acknowledge your awesomeness in that realm.

But in the publishing world. it's generally considered bad form to write your own cover blurbs.

Seriously, couldn't you find anybody else to quote? Anyone at all?

One further thought: couldn't you have come up with a more imaginative name? I mean, we can see she's a dominatrix, all right...but that makes the comic's title just a job if you had named your group "Gimmicky Make-Up-Wearing Rock Band" instead of KISS.

One final thought: "Beth" is the biggest p#%%y-whipped song of all time. What a cop out. I'm just sayin'.


  1. Hey. As the writer for Gene, the blurb was due to the way Gene succinctly summed up the book. My synopsis is a bit longer and doesn't fit as a blurb, but I'll post it here anyway to give the other layer of the iceberg that's below the surface.


    Dominatrix is Dark Angel meets Crimes of Passion meets Mary Tyler Moore as re-envisioned by David Lynch and Chris Carter. In other words, a hot chick in a tight, skimpy leather outfit kicking ass and trying to uncover a secret plot to take over the U.S., all the while trying to get over her boredom with life in general, figure out her place in the world, and make a good, honest living by shackling her clients and flogging or caning them mercilessly.


    I'm curious if you've had an opportunity read the book and what you thought about it.

    Thanks and take care,

  2. Ha. Ha. Yeah, that's what Paul & Gene thought of it. A p*$$%-whipped filler. They were shocked that it took off. It was a B-Side to a single (hmmm. . . can't remember which one: "Flaming Youth," maybe?)What was great was seeing them in concert the year they took off the makeup. About halfway through the concert, they ask the audience, us, what we want to hear and start joking about the makeup days. Gene says, "'Beth'? You want 'Beth'? Oooo-kaaaayy." And he starts to sing it in the worst Genevoice you've ever heard. Then he says, "Ooh. That's horrible. We'll let Eric sing it." So then, Eric Carr, who sounds a lot like Gene, actually, sings the entire song. It was quite an experience.

    And, Snell, you've got to do a kooky review/explication of that horrible first KISS comic. I just reread it recently. My god, it was bad. The second one was much, much improved. But that first one . . . whew . . .

    Let me know if you need a copy . . .
