Saturday, August 4, 2007

Things That Make Me Smile--Gorilla Edition

Some day. if it hasn't happened already, someone has to publish a doctoral thesis on the fascination of Silver Age DC with gorillas.

Things of note:
  • The beads of sweat pouring down the face of the (sadly stereotypical) Japanese soldier. You'd be sweatin', too, if a gorilla with a machine gun was bearing down on you...
  • The cover scene actually see, a trained gorilla from a USO show ends up on an island with a bunch of Marines after their ship is sunk, and...oh, you can figure out the rest.
  • SPOILER ALERT: The title is correct. But although you indeed cannot pin a medal on a gorilla, the gorilla does receive one.

Chest-thumping action from Star Spangled War Stories #126, 1966

1 comment:

  1. "Some day, if it hasn't happened already, someone has to publish a doctoral thesis on the fascination of Silver Age DC with gorillas."

    How do you think I got to be called "Dr." K?

    But seriously, that is one awesome cover. I really have to track that comic down--it looks like a great companion piece to the Haunted Tank story, "The Gunner Is a Gorilla," from GI Combat.
